An online library can provide access to content in many languages.
This content should include both digital public goods and digital creative works.
Hence an online library in any language (of middle- or low-income countries) is a suitable service of #digicoop1b - a Platform for sharing digital public goods, the creation of which is one of the recommendations regarding an inclusive digital economy and society of the Declaration of Digital Interdependence.
Hashtags for the initiative
- #crs16061 Culture and recreation (see CRS Codes (OECD DAC):#dac160 - Other social infrastructure and services)
- #isic9101 Library and archives activities (Economic activities)
- Central Product Classification: Each language page defines hashtags for services in a language, for instance #cpc843tsc - for #cpc843 - On-line content in Xitswa #_tsc, a language with over a million people native speakers in Mozambique.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Here the table of contents of the requirements analysis for the Agenda 2030 online library:
- Content
- Questions, answers, comments
- Other sub-sections under Example Cases
- On the #2030Library
- On the template
- #lib01 - The purpose of a #2030library
#lib02 - Library stakeholders
- #lib0201a - Aid organisation
- #lib0202 - National governments
- #lib0203 - Local authorities
- #lib0222 - Publishers - Rightholders
- #lib0223 - Schools and other educational institutions
- #lib0231 - Library patrons
- #lib0232 - Teachers and professors
- #lib0233 - Students
- #lib0234 - Researcher
- #lib0235 - Librarian
- #lib0236 - Authors
- #lib0237 - Children and youth
- #lib0238 - Parents
- #lib0239 - Citizens
- #lib03 - Constraints for beneficiaries and systems
- #lib04 - Naming conventions and term use
- #lib05 - Facts, business rules and assumptions
- #lib06 - Partner livelihoods
- #lib07 - Livelihood and library data
- #lib08 - Products and services
- #lib11 - Non-functional requirements (NFR)
- #lib12 - Project Issues